Congressman Gerry Connolly Enewsletter Congressman Gerry Connolly Enewsletter
Rejecting Trump’s Attack on Federal Pay

Dear Neighbor,

Last week, President Trump informed Congress that he would suspend a scheduled pay increase for all federal employees next year. This is sadly just the latest in a series of attacks the Trump administration has made on federal workers. Our federal workforce deserves better. Today, I sent a letter to congressional leadership urging Congress to reject Trump’s misguided proposal and support a pay increase for our dedicated civil servants.

The American people want a federal government that keeps them safe and secure and reliably delivers vital services. The members of our federal workforce clock in each day on behalf of that mission. They conduct critical medical research, care for our veterans, protect the homeland, support national security operations around the globe, and ensure the safety of the food we eat and the air we breathe.

This essential work is what President Kennedy had in mind when he spoke of the nobility of public service. Like President Kennedy, I believe that our country is made stronger by a federal government people can depend on and for which people want to work.

It is beyond cynical that the President would cite serious economic and fiscal concerns to justify his decision to cancel a pay adjustment for middle class workers while he touts a tax bill that exploded the deficit by $1.5 trillion and gave huge tax breaks to billionaires. We shouldn’t balance the budget on the backs of federal workers in order to obscure his fiscal mismanagement.

Please know that I will continue to push Congress to recognize the contributions of our dedicated federal workers and move forward with the scheduled pay increase next year.

Gerald E. Connolly
Member of Congress

P.S. You can read the full letter I sent today here.


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